Lear how Our average student gains 5,168 followers in the first 30 days...

(ONLY 100 UNITS AVAILABLE for $29.95)

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We interviewed 3 instagram employees to get you the best insider knowledge...

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People are currently making hundreds of thousands of dollars each day by implementing simple strategies along with consistent output.

The best part is, anyone can start regardless of their skill level, location, or financial status. All you need is an internet connection, and the right information (this is where most people go wrong).


1. No prior skills needed

2. Don't need to show your face

3. No risk starting whatsoever

4. Complete guide so no guesswork involved

5. You're free to choose any topic of interest

6. Start with just your phone

Thumbs Up Illustration


1. Requires consistent uploads

3. 1-2 hours of work a da of work a day

2. Requires staying updated with trends

3. No results for the first few weeks (patience needed)

4. Dealing with occasional negative comments

Thumbs Down Gesture Illustration

We interviewed 3 instagram employees for this project to get you the best insider knowledge...

We where able to get in contact and interview 3 different Instagram employees to get you exclusive knowledge that no one else on the internet has!

On top of that we’ve spend $12,350 and 365 days researching and testing different methods to eliminate any doubts or guesswork. Every single strategy we teach you is based on countless hours of testing.

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This is what you get for the price of a 2 month netflix subscription:

  • How to pick a winning niche
  • How to set up your page properly
  • The 2 most important factors for success
  • Training the algorithm
  • Strategies for consistency
  • Goals and plans
  • How to do effective Market Research
  • How to Create and Structure your content
  • How and when to Post
  • How to Analyse your Posts
  • Mastering the Algorithm
  • Full guide on Instagram Insights
  • 6 ways to monetize your Instagram account

zero competition becuase 99.99% of people dont know what theyre doing

About 99.99% of people going into the Instagram business, do it all wrong and either cant grow there account, or cant monetize it properly. So ultimately they all get discouraged and fail.

I've seen people posting for months, and still not being able to grow above 10k followers. I've seen people with 100k followers, struggling to generate a consistent income.

Illustration of a Man Struggling to Walk

This happens because of two reasons...

Reason 1:

People is because they just decide to freestyle it. They go posting blindly, without a strategy, and without any idea of how to grow and monetize. They think that if they just stay consistent they'll eventually succeed.

Reason 2:

People follow blindly. They notice a successful Instagram account offering a cheap course, and they purchase it without hesitation. They struggled to find relevant information and guidance in these courses, since the techniques aren't based on data but rather on what worked for the owner.

MY STORY AND WHY i decided to create this project...

I myself fell under the second category. I was a broke kid, going to school. After school I would go nocking door to door, offering to do jobs around peoples houses for 5 bucks.

I would then use this money to buy course after course on how to grow Instagram pages, and getting frustrated when I didn't see success. So I had to forget everything I learned.

After 6 months of hard work, trial and error and allot of late nights, I finally made my first $10,000. I had achieved my goal but in doing so I was extremely burned out, so I decided to take a break.

1 month later...

I came back with my energy and motivation levels back. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. So for the next 365 days I spent $12,350 discovering new strategies, networking with successful pages, testing everything I learned and I even got the chance to speak with 3 different Instagram employees.

With this I created a 50 page eBook about all my knowledge. I let in 10 people for free to see if if my strategies actually worked before going public. The average person had gained 5,168 followers, and my best student went from 0-$52,000 in his first 3 months.

My students results:

Keep in mind, these people have little to no experience, and they where able to achieve this in as little as 30 days. If they can, why cant you?

7 days: 30 Days:

“Incredible what I was able to achieve, couldn't believe it”


7 days: 30 Days:

“Trust me guys, this guy knows what he's doing. Incredible stuff.”


“It looked too good to be true, but somehow he delivered on his promises”


7 days: 30 Days:

7 days: 30 Days:

“Completely transformed my theme page and the way I approach things. One of the top guys in the field for sure.”


Get payouts like this every week:

We teach our students 6 different

methods for monetizing there pages!

Your missing out on easy money.

What I was able to achieve in 1 month

I sold 2 of my biggest accounts to fully focus on this project. Once it was finished, I decided to try out the strategies for myself. This is what I was able to achieve in the first month:

As you can see, 15K in the first month. The best part is, as you saw one of my students actually surpassed this number and was able to gain 23K in the first month.

This isnt for everyone!

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that anyone can achieve this because that's not true. Only a specific group of people will be successful. If you are not willing to do the following, please don't waste your money and time:

Businessman Wearing Corporate Attire

1. Be ready to commit for at least 90 days.

2. Be ready to persist even if you don't see results ccright away.

3. Be willing to learn.

If your still unsure, try my competitors!!!

I would invite you to try a course or any mentor out there no matter if they cost $500 or $1000 you will always find yourself coming back to this eBook which is the price of a 2 month Netflix subscription. All you will need to do is apply the principles you learned, and your guaranteed success.

You're one step away from achieving success, if you still have doubts, it's not me you're doubting. You've seen my testimonials and what I'm capable of. You're doubting yourself, and I understand why I've been in the situation you're in and I too doubted myself. But I took a leap of faith, and I'm so happy I did.

Unfortunately when I started out I had to figure everything out myself. Despite buying various courses, growth and monetization, I struggled to find relevant information and guidance, which is why I promised to myself that when I become successful I will create the best e-book and mentorship there is.

All the information is based on data, proven scientific methods, and my experience. I am planning to launch this book on Amazon in 2025, so capitalise on it now.

Person Holding a Remote Control

This is what all your going to get For $29.95

  • Exclusive insights from 3 Instagram employees.
  • All of my experience from 578 days.
  • Data form $12,350 and 365 days worth of testing.
  • Exclusive preview since this book is getting released on Amazon in 2025.

What we teach:

  • How to pick a winning niche
  • How to set up your page properly
  • The 2 most important factors for success
  • Training the algorithm
  • Strategies for consistency
  • Goals and plans
  • How to do effective Market Research
  • How to Create and Structure your content
  • How and when to Post
  • How to Analyse your Posts
  • Mastering the Algorithm
  • Full guide on Instagram Insights
  • 6 ways to monetize your Instagram account

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(89/100 available)

IF YOU WANT TO WORK 1/1 with a private metoriship

(eBook included)

  • Have a 1:1 chat with me. (1 month)
  • Review and improve your profile
  • Goal setting
  • Create you a custom 15 week plan based on your needs and schedule
  • Accountability Check-ins: Regular check-ins to keep you motivated and accountable.
  • Review your content (1 month)


(8/10 available)

(Not everyone gets accepted

DM @AuryxMedia for request)